When purchasing bullion, doing your research is very important to make your buying experience as smooth as possible. Precious metals purchases often include state and federal taxes in addition to purchase price. If you plan on purchasing your precious metals in the state of Ohio, here is everything you need to take into account.
In Ohio, bullion and precious metals purchases are taxed at a rate of 5.75 percent. This rate can be as high as 8 percent in some areas, depending on if local taxes apply.
As with all other states, Ohio bullion and precious metals purchases must adhere to a federal capital gains tax. Your rate will depend on your income, but it will never exceed 28 percent.
A truly diversified portfolio includes precious metals, so when you're planning for retirement, consider adding qualified bullion to your Self Directed IRA. Contact us to get started or visit our Precious Metals IRA page to learn how you can invest.
We attend a number of coin shows throughout the country each year. Here's where and when you'll find us at an expo near you.
Joining a local coin club is a great way to connect with others who share your interests. We keep an updated list of coin clubs around the state of Ohio for you to choose from. Don’t see your club on the list? Let us know!
Looking for somewhere nearby where you can purchase coins or other precious metal items? Check out our coin shop directory to find a place to buy coins near you.
Can you name 20 facts about the state of Ohio? You will once you check out our fun facts about the country’s 17th state.